Do not remove VS 2005 and install VS 2008 if ...

Do not remove VS 2005 from your computer and install VS 2008 if:

1. You want to develop Business Intelligence solutions with SQL Server 2005, because VS 2008 does not support those projects (Report Designer, Report Model ...). Or to say, Microsoft does not want you to work on SQL Server 2005 with their own latest IDE!

2. You want to build Workflow (WF) solution for SharePoint. You will realize the old way in VS 2005 to install Features.xml is easier to use.


Anonymous said...

I cannot speak for reporting service VS templates, but I can create a work on both sequential and state machine SharePoint projects in VS2008.

Which version did you install? - I know the express version is light on many of the templates.

Jun Meng said...

Hi Robert,

Yes, there is no much problem to create WF using VS 2008 for WSS, but VS 2008 hides Feature.xml file that you sometimes need to modify for your deployment process.

It is easier to use explicit Feature.xml like in VS 2005.

I used VS 2008 Team Suite.