# in URL

It may be obvious to many people: if # is included in URL, it refers to a relative location of current HTML page in browser. For example, URL "http://somewhere.com/home.htm#section1" refers to ID "section1" on "home.htm" page. So what's the point to mention again here?

The interesting thing happens when the URL is used between ASP.NET web services: The IIS server side cannot get the whole URL if a client sends URL with #. Basically, the ASP.NET web service can only get the front part of URL. Everything behind # will not be available to web service.

So if web service client wants to send parameter ("#1", "#2", or "#3") to web service, sorry, the service side cannot see that parameter.

A bug in my recent project was related with this issue: a telephony system sent dynamic URL to web services, sometimes with # in the URL.